Graduation day of the University of Gastronomic Sciences: Catia Bastioli among the guests of honor

  monday 18th march 2019


Graduation day of the University of Gastronomic Sciences: Catia Bastioli among the guests of honor

The 8th Graduation Day of the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, faculty founded and promoted in 2004 by the international Slow Food association with the aim of providing its students with a global vision of the food production, was held on March 8th.
The ceremony for the awarding degrees of to the new gastronomists from Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Australia and South Africa began with the traditional procession from the university to the San Vittore Church.
After the opening speech by Rector Andrea Pieroni, guests of honor Catia Bastioli, Novamont’s CEO, Roberto Moncalvo, President of Coldiretti Piedmont and Daniela Pirani, alumna UNISG and professor of Marketing at the University of Liverpool Management School, were called to inspire young graduates with their own experience and vision for the future.
Catia Bastioli, after describing the alarming degradation that our ecosystems are undergoing, reminded young students that the challenge we need to face is the transition from our resource-intensive model of growth and consumption towards an efficient, regenerative, low emission model based on recycling and reuse. Bastioli also stressed that in this historic moment, of such high criticality, collaboration must prevail over competition and individual objectives.
Carlo Petrini, President of the University, concluded the ceremony inviting the students to be generous and to join the movement inspired by the Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, that engages young people from all over the world to raise their voices  and stress the importance of stopping the destruction of the environment.